Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
How Diverse Is Your Existing PLN?
I like to describe my PLN as being diverse, because I have connections with people of all walks of life. I am connected to people that do not come from the same background or place. A big reason as to why I think my PLN is diverse is due to social media. I am able to connect with people from all around the world and have a dialogue with them. We are able to share our experiences, thoughts, and opinions with one another. The main social media platforms I utilize from day to day is Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Having access to those only aids in my expansion and development of my personal learning network. Social media does not only have to be for personal use, but it can also be used professionally like LinkedIn or in this instance Mattermost connects EDCI 338 students together and along with the teacher. The possibilities are endless with social media and it can be utilized however the user wants it to be.
In Your PLN, Are You Learning from A Variety of Voices or Are You the Loudest in the Room?
In my personal learning network, I am definitely not the loudest voice in the room. I think this stems from me just being a generally shy person and I like to hear others before I voice my opinions. I like to fully understand what others are saying and then providing my input, I tend to fully gather my thoughts and think before I speak in most instances in my life. In general, I like to learn from others whether it’s in real life or over social media. It is beneficial to learn from a variety of voices because someone can have an outlook on a topic that you never considered or thought of prior therefore changing your stance. However, if I do believe strongly in something, I am not afraid to voice my opinion at all.
Do You Participate in A Silo of Information Sharing (Similar Themes or A Wide Range of Interests)?
In my PLN, I see various ideas and causes being talked and discussed about. For instance, the Black Lives Matter movement was heavily talked about on social media and people participated by posting awareness and opening the dialogue of the injustice against black people. However, I do not think you have to post something in order to be a part of the movement or cause. Individuals can be educating and donating behind the scenes and just because they are not publicizing it does not mean that they do not support it. I think it is more important to actually understand the information that is being widely shared rather than just sharing it because you feel obligated to or it is part of the “trend”.
How Can You Use A Diverse PLN To Broaden Your Views of Inclusion?
A diverse PLN can help individuals with sharing information and opinions with each other. For instance, in this class everyone is being connected to new people. With this comes different backgrounds, opinions, and idea. We can utilize this in gaining more knowledge and learning from one another. We can express out opinions freely on our blogs and our fellow peers can leave their inputs or comments on our pages. This creates an environment where we can broaden our views in a productive and progressive way.
In Your Professional Setting of Choice, Do You Think Inclusion Is Actively Embraced?
My major in university is Health Information Science, and from my in-person classes at school I have met people from all different age groups, backgrounds, and opinions. I definitely think inclusion is evident in my cohort because we have several group projects a semester, so you are bound to come across new people that you have not worked with or met before. I have been able to learn from these people and even if I disagree with what their ideas or opinions might be on a topic or vice versa, it is a respected and inclusive environment where everyone is entitled to their opinions at the end of the day.
What Is the Learning Outcome of Your PLN And How Are You Ensuring Your Exposure to Diversity and Inclusion?
My learning outcome of my PLN stems from the people I am surround with, talk to regularly, and classmates. I am always open to sparking new conversations with people and learning from each other. Even if there are instances where I may not agree with an individual’s opinion, it is important to me to give my attention to them but also try putting myself in their shoes or perspective. It is important to know that people from all backgrounds have different outlooks on life, but that is what makes my PLN diverse and inclusive.
How Has You’re Thinking About Inclusion and PLN Evolved After Reviewing the Videos and Readings?
I have gained more an understanding of how much diversity can impact my PLN and contribute to the inclusivity in my PLN. I will try and continue to create a welcoming environment for new individuals I connect with overtime without any judgement. I learned that diversity plays an integral role in ones thinking and ideas.
Moore, S. (2017). One without the other: Stories of unity through diversity and inclusion. ProQuest Ebook Central https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca/
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